Robert Quaye

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Robert Quaye
IT Professional
Web Developer, SEO Specialist
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SEO optimization
IT project management
Branding and logo design
Information security

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Contact information

  • Country: Ghana
  • City: Accra
  • Email:
  • Phone: +233 55 702 9922

Our Services

IT Consultancy

Expert guidance for navigating the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Web Design

Captivating and user-centric websites that leave a lasting impression.

Graphic Design

Creative visuals that bring your brand to life and engage your audience.

SEO Optimization

Strategic techniques to boost your online visibility and drive traffic.

Social Media Management

Elevate your brand through effective and seamless social media strategies.


Professional imagery capturing the essence of your brand and moments that matter.


Bernhoffman Care Foundation
Bernhoffman Care Foundation

Working with Robert Quaye has been a pleasure. Robert handles our website and graphic design. Undoubtedly, he deserves a 5-star rating as a freelancer.

Nobel International Business School
Nobel International Business School

We highly recommend Robert Quaye for his excellent work in creating and optimizing our school's websites. His expertise significantly improved our online presence, and his dedication to delivering quality results was evident throughout the project. We confidently endorse Robert for his outstanding contributions to our digital success.

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